The Clear EFX All-in-One Vape

The CLEAR presents EFX Vapes, the first ever comprehensive line of vaporizers selectively blending purified high-quality cannabinoids to create unparalleled vaporizer experiences that are as unique as they are reliable. Boasting six distinct vaporizers that combine THC in precise ratios with a range of minor cannabinoids including CBD, CBN, CBG, CBC, and THCV, and with a touch of The Clear’s famous flavors to round it all out, these vaporizers truly stand apart from the crowd.

Whether you are looking for an experience unlike any other from your vape, or you simply want an exceptionally smooth and flavorful vaporizer you can safely puff on all day, The CLEAR EFX Vape is perfect for both new and seasoned users alike.

Not All Milligrams are Created Equal

The CLEAR EFX line utilizes Smart Cannabis Technology  to provide an unmatched cannabis experience. 

From EFX Vapes to EFX Gummies and EFX Tablets, our blends are designed in precise ratios to maximize milligrams consumed. While traditional cannabis products are broken down by the body, deteriorating the potency in the process, The CLEAR EFX is specifically designed to optimize this process for optimal milligram utilization.


Toggle the flavors below to learn more

2:1 | THC:CBC

Bright | Tropical | Juicy

Potent Pineapple opens with a bright, recognizably tropical top note. This flavor lingers throughout the vaping experience with a juicy, tangy citrus finish. 

2:1:1 | THC:CBN:CBG

Juicy | Sweet 

Grapevine is the juicy, sweet grape flavor that we all recognize. The essence of each pull is highly expressive, lingering, and succulent. 

2:1 | THC:CBD

Rich | Deep | Fruity

The remarkably ripe fruit flavor of Blueberry is enhanced by sweet, deep and sugary notes, creating an experience that is sure to bring to mind your favorite blueberry dessert. 

2:1 | THC:CBG

Classic | Creamy

Strawberry Banana is the classic anytime summer flavor you’ve been craving. With natural, mouthwatering berry tastes on inhale paired with a banana creaminess, it’s as delicious as a smoothie. 


Bright | Sweet | Jammy

Blue Raz is one of our top selling all-natural flavors and is bright, sweet and jammy. It is as juicy and delicious as your favorite slushie.

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